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Mental Health Works Guide

A Comprehensive Guide for Planning a Workplace Mental Health Initiative

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Mental Health Works Guide Cover Art with the American Psychiatric Association Foundation Center for Workplace Mental Health logo

The time is now to focus on workplace mental health with a growing number of people experiencing mental health conditions. Our nation has experienced a trifecta of a global pandemic, high racial and political tensions, and economic uncertainty. More and more people expect their employers to address mental health and well-being.

Employers are uniquely positioned to positively impact employee mental health and well-being, which is the right thing to do and improves productivity and performance, attracts and retains top performers, lowers overall health care costs, and creates a safe and inclusive work culture.

Leadership is key as leaders create the culture within organizations. With that overriding principle, this guide covers three essential areas in planning a workplace mental health initiative and other keys to success: Complete with a checklist for planning your workplace mental health initiative.

Download the Guide (.pdf)

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